divendres, 9 de juny del 2017


In Catalonia we can find a very important wetland: Wetland of Empordà.

Formerly these wetlands spread across the plain of the Bay of Roses and the lower Ter, so the Montgrí massive between L'Escala and Torroella edge of the Upper and Lower Empordà rose as island amid the waters.

Much of protected areas belong to the municipality of Castelló d'Empúries, but the park also extends to Palau Saverdera, Pau and Peralada, among other municipalities. This park consists of three integral nature reserve areas: the island of Caramany, cans and ponds, and a partial area. In total covers an area of ​​4866 hectares. To the north is bounded by the Muga and to the south by Fluvià.


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