divendres, 9 de juny del 2017


This paint is about a wetland. The method employed is watercolour. The real measure of the square is 32 x 23 centimeters. The artist who painted this is Antonio Arroyo Campos.

In this picture you can see a wetland of Empordà. On the bottom I can see a part of a mountain. In front of the mountains there are a lot of large green reedbeds. These reedbeds are reflected on water with red and green colours. From under the reedbeds to the most nearby of the square I can see inequal grass. This grass is the main characteristic of the wetland. Above this grass there are large green plants.

When I see this picture I feel like to go because it's amazing.

Link information: http://arroyocampos.blogspot.com.es/2010/11/aiguamolls-de-lemporda.html

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