divendres, 9 de juny del 2017

The cantata of wetlands

A wetland is exactly what the name suggests: wet land. Wetlands are areas that are inundated by water cyclically, intermittently or permanently and can have fresh or salt water, which is generally still or slow moving. This covers a wide range of habitats, including lakes, lagoons, estuaries, rivers, floodplains, swamps, bogs, billabongs, marshes, coral reefs and seagrass beds.

Aiguamolls de l'Empordà
The 19th of March it was celebrated a cantata at the V FESTIVAL D'HIVERN DE MÚSICA I NATURA DE L'EMPORDÀ 2017 " FEM MÚSICA" where a children’s choir sang “Els aiguamolls”, a composicion especially for the Jove Orquestra de Figueres.
This cantata zoomed in so freshly and innocent into nature, more specifically into wetlands. If one day you visit one you’ll find and discover amazing nature spaces. This kind of music carry a big peace and tranquility, at the beginning you can hear a flute that give sensation of peace then take precedence the violins giving the impression of motion.
Make a choice for wetlands!

Aiguamolls de l'Empordà
Ending: My personal opinion is that I didn’t know that this kind of music is very relaxing.

Cantata els aiguamolls a l'escala

Extraction of the images:

Descobreix els aiguamolls

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